Saturday, October 6, 2012

First Project- Zebra dresser

First blog.. EVER!!!
Welcome to my first blog! Now that I am a stay at home mom I decided I needed a new hobby, and after hours of pinning on pinterest decided I could try my hand at a blog. I'm a certified teacher and am taking the year off to be home with my handsome little man Sawyer (we pronounce is Soy-yer). Usually when people ask his name we tell them "soy-yer" to which they reply "SAW-YER?"  To which I'm tempted to reply "I don't know, do you go to a 'loy-yer' or 'law-yer' when you need legal help?" ;) Either pronunciation is fine with us, we just find it funny when people try to correct how we are saying it. Anyways, my little guy is 2 months old
Feel free to ooohhh and ahhhh over his adorable-ness! 
I thought I would start off by adding a few of my past projects in these first few blogs. 

My first project: Zebra dresser for my baby sister.
After my husband and I married we began compiling our furniture. I had a great dresser and bedside table from my parents. Unfortunately my sisters and I had split the set and my little sister had the other bedside table, and it was her only form of a dresser. She was in cosmetology school so I decided to make her an offer she couldn't refuse. I would replace it with a real dresser custom to match her red and zebra bedroom. 
 She agreed so I began searching craigslist and found this treasure for $15 in our town! It had one broken track which was easily fixed. First I took off the fixtures and sanded the gloss off the dresser. I painted the outside black and the drawer fronts white after filling the holes from the old fixtures with wood putty and sanding it down. I then went to work with a pencil sketching zebra stripes. I painted them black then touched them up with a pain pen for cleaner lines. 
 Tah-Dah! I had bought wooden knobs which I painted red and drew stripes on with the paint pen. 

 We went over the outside with polyurethane but didn't put it on the drawers since it would cause the white on the drawers to yellow. Instead I just sprayed them with a clear coat finish like I use for mod-podge projects. There is probably a better way but I already had this stuff and it's held up for the last 3 years. :) 

Finished project! I was proud for my first attempt at painting furniture. Who knew those hours of doodling zebra stripes in college would come in so handy.  Baby is waking up so that's all for now. Next time I will add the dresser I had to then paint for my older sister. Thanks for reading!

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